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Self Build Timber Frame Homes from Scandia-HusBespoke, energy efficient, timber frame homes for the UK self build market. We provide a high quality design build service.
About Scandia-Hus Timber Frame Homes | WelcomeWe design build energy efficient timber frame homes in the UK, combining Swedish technology with traditional British craftsmanship.
Quality Garden Rooms | Premium, Bespoke, HandmadeWe hand make quality garden rooms from premium sustainable timber to create your dream garden space. Handmade to order with a 10 year guarantee.
Scandia-Hus Timber Frame Homes | Self Build with UsOur timber frame homes are beautiful, bespoke remarkably energy-efficient. Here are a few more reasons why so many self-builders choose us.
Warwick Stables - Stables for Sale , Stable Manufacturers, Timber StabWarwick Buildings are manufacturers of Wooden Stables, American Barns, Field Shelters, Mobile Shelters on Metal Skids, Hay Stores and other Equestrian Buildings.
Quality Summerhouses | Premium, Bespoke, HandmadeWe hand make quality summer houses from premium sustainable timber to create your dream garden space. Handmade to order with a 10 year guarantee.
Quality Garden Sheds | Premium, Quality, HandmadeWe hand make quality garden sheds from premium sustainable timber to create your dream garden space. Handmade to order with a 10 year guarantee.
Timber Frame Production | Self Build Homes | Scandia-HusAll of our bespoke timber frame kit homes are manufactured in the UK and can meet the requirements of almost any self-builder.
Scandia-Hus Timber Frame | Industry Build AwardsWe ve been involved with numerous self build projects that have won awards for the quality of their build, design, teamwork sustainability.
Self Build Finance | Scandia-Hus Timber Framed Self Build HomesIf you dream of building your own Scandia Hus home and need help funding this, it’s important to get expert mortgage advice early on, to have a
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